I’m lactose intolerant and I don’t use margarine. That means I haven’t spread butter on my toast in almost twenty years!
Instead, if I’m having toast I’ll drizzle some of our Galilee Green Olive Oil on it.
This week, Beverly wrote us with a question, “I need olive oil that will solidify in the fridge. Does yours ?”
I assumed she wanted to do the “Fridge Test” to ensure our Galilee Green olive oil was really extra virgin (there are so many reports of olive oil fraud lately).
I explained to Beverly that the “Fridge Test” is not always 100% accurate. Some adulterated oils will solidify in the fridge, and some real extra virgin oils may not. And I sent her information about the research that has been done.
Then she shared the real reason for her question… “I need to use solid olive oil to use as a spread for bread. Other spreads have soy or dairy I am allergic to. So your olive oil will do this, right?”
Well, it came out this morning as a creamy paste… yum. Some oils, depending on the variety and the temperature of your fridge will come out thicker or thinner.
Here’s my breakfast. Notice the small dish of “butter” in the top left!
Click here to get your Galilee Green “Butter” today!