It’s just an hour away fromTiberias but the topography couldn’t be more different.
Akko, called Acre in English seems to be recorded in Egyptian hieroglyphics almost 4,000 years ago from the time of the Biblical Patriarchs.
In the Book of Judges it was one of the cities the Israelites were not able to conquer from the Canaanites in the territory of the tribe of Asher.
Akko was well known during the period of the Greeks, and during the Crusades it was known as Acre and was the headquarters of the Knights Hospitaller.
Today you can wander through Akko’s long and colorful history.
We visited the Arab Shuk (outdoor market), visited some famous synagogues from the 18th century, walked through underground Crusader tunnels leading from the castle to the port, and then enjoyed the views of the Mediterranean from the Ottoman ramparts.