EVOO Staves off Alzheimers

Here are some highlights and study results:

Temple University research shows extra-virgin olive oil protects against memory loss, preserves the ability to learn and reduces conditions associated with Alzheimer’s disease.Researchers at the Lewis Katz School of Medicine found mice with EVOO-enriched diets had better memories and learning abilities than those who didn’t eat the oil.

Neuron connections in the brain were better preserved in those on an EVOO diet.

Also, olive oil reduces brain inflammation and activates the process, to remove debris and toxins from the brain. Such debris and toxins are firm markers of Alzheimer’s disease.

The two groups of mice didn’t differ in appearance after months on their respective diets. However after 9 and 12 months those on an EVOO diet tested better on working and spatial memory and learning abilities.

Since the EVOO helped preserve the body’s ability to remove debris and toxins in the brain,  memory and synaptic integrity were preserved, and the pathological effects in animals otherwise destined to develop Alzheimer’s disease were significantly reduced.

The next step is to test if olive oil added at a later time point in the diet can stop or reverse the disease.

Remember! Use Galilee Green Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Israel everyday!

Categories: Wellness


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