Decks Restaurant right on the water of the Kinneret
After the long day, they decided to treat themselves to a special dinner at Decks Restaurant in Tiberias which is located right on the shores of the Sea of Galilee. It’s a favorite spot for tourists and Israelis alike. A few years back I celebrated my birthday there.
Well this week, just as Tova and her family had settled into their meal… in walked another very special tourist… Prime Minister Netanyahu and his wife Sara!
At the top of this post you can see the picture Tova posted on her FB page. I contacted her and asked her how they felt when the Netanyahus interrupted their dinner…
TOVA: “When PM Netanyahu and his beautiful wife Sara walked in I couldn’t believe my luck. I was thrilled to have my children meet the Prime Minister of Israel after only moving to Israel two years ago.”
SHMUEL: “How did you get that photo?!”
TOVA: “I carefully approached the Prime Minister and told him we had moved to Israel. He immediately pulled us all in for a photo, and a stranger offered to snap the picture. After the photo I found myself speaking directly to Mrs. Netanyahu about the work I do with highlighting Israel’s positivity through my Tova in Israel FB page . Upon hearing that, their smiles couldn’t have spread any wider!”
Mimi Maizlech with the Netanyahus
Unbeknownst to Tova, the “stranger” who offered to snap her family’s picture “happened” to be Galilee Green Family member Mimi Elias Maizlech, who was visiting from Pennsylvania. (and has since made Aliyah herself with husband Mitch) I asked Mimi how she happened to be at Decks that night.
MIMI: I’m accompanying my sister Ruth this trip. We came to attend the azkara (memorial service) for her son, Dovid Menachem Gordon, He was a lone soldier who passed away four years ago. After the ceremony at the military cemetery at Mount Hertzl in Jerusalem, we needed to regroup and headed north to the Galilee. Decks had been highly recommended so we decided to come here for something to eat. That’s when the Netanyahu’s walked in.
SHMUEL: How did you feel?
MIMI: I had tears in my eyes..more like sobbing like a baby. Sara Netanyahu gave me a hug and kiss. She was so warm and friendly.
There happened to be even one more of our friends at the restaurant that night. David Sussman is a premier tour guide in Israel .
As a professional tour guide David is used to expecting the unexpected, so he wasn’t so surprised when the Prime Minister walked into the restaurant. I asked him how he felt having his dinner interrupted by the Netanyahus
DAVID: The Prime Minister was very personable and said hello to many of us dining in the restaurant. Sara was super nice and friendly. There was a lot of security. It was impressive but not overdone. They had a private area set up for them to eat.
Completing the circle, here’s a photo of David (in the Rose colored golf shirt) that was taken by none other than Tova (who started this story)! We really are one big family here in Israel! Find out how you can join the Galilee Green Family here.