Olive Oil and Reduced Age-Related Blindness
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of severe visual loss (more…)
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of severe visual loss (more…)
What’s so incredible is that I can read the Hebrew letters quite clearly even though they were carved 1500 years ago! The discover was made on the eastern shore of the Kinneret (Sea of Galilee) A large marble board containing Read more…
I’m more creative in the kitchen in Israel. (more…)
My mother was from Poland, the land of onions and potatoes 🙂 Although my mother was great in the kitchen, spicy and hot food was not among the meals she prepared. So I was surprised to discover that I love Read more…
Very near the ancient village of Modiin, home of the Maccabees of the Chanukah story, is the modern Israeli town of Modiin Illit. It is home to a large community of observant Jewish families who continue to live with unwavering Read more…
It was Matityahu (Mattathias) from the Hasmonaean priestly family who initiated (more…)
Most of our subscribers make delicious recipes with our Galilee Green Olive Oil. (more…)
We saw some oranges from the supermarket today and I got excited! Really? A couple of oranges?!! What’s so exciting? Well it’s the month of Kislev (December) here in the Galilee and Hanukkah is approaching. So even though the weather Read more…
Battle lines are being drawn now that the European Union requires labeling exports from the “terrritories.” Israel’s supporters around the world are jumping on the bandwagon to defy the EU and increase their own purchases from the “settlements.” Thank you Read more…