Speaking Seventy Languages of Torah
Discover why every translation of Torah is a commentary of only one nuance… and how to get the “whole picture” (more…)
When you thought it couldn’t get any better!
Galilee Green is much more than an Olive Oil company. We are here to help connect you the Land of Israel, its People, its Torah and the Land’s Bounty! That’s why we like sharing with you what it’s like to Read more…
WATCH LIVE Times Square Rally to STOP IRAN NOW
Watch the Rally Live starting at 5:30pm – 7:30pm July 22
Feral Kitten in the Shmittah Garden
During Shmittah (Sabbatical) year we minimize the work we do in our garden. There’s a corner that we let go fallow and it has become overgrown with wild wheat, weeds and thistles. The other morning on my way to Synagogue Read more…
Galilee Green Sprout-Carrot Salad
There’s something exciting about eating the very freshest food possible. The best way to do that is to sprout seeds and grains. Sprouting in your kitchen is like having a mini garden in the house all year round. It’s fun Read more…
The Miraculous Shmittah Ivy Starburst
During the Shmittah (Sabbatical) Year, it’s not only commercial farmers who are affected. People who have their own fruit trees and even decorative plants in their private gardens must let them go fallow this year. We can water them to Read more…
Ray Charles and David Ben-Gurion Singing Hava Nagila!
In August of 1973, Ray Charles came to Israel on a performance tour. Here’s what he said about it… “Even though I’m not Jewish, and even though I’m stingy with my bread, Israel is one of the few causes I Read more…
The Shmittah Sabbatical Year
This past Rosh HaShanah was not only the beginning of the year 5775 in the Hebrew calendar, it was the beginning of a Shmitta (Sabbatical) year. Chapter 25:3-5 in Leviticus teaches us the following about the Land of Israel: Six Read more…
Galilee Green Roasted Red Pepper Salad
Here is a salad that is both colorful and delicious. It falls into many different diet lifestyles: Paleo, Low-calorie, Vegan and the Anti-Inflammatory Diet. No matter which diet you’ve chosen to follow, Red Peppers are just amazing. A cup of Read more…