The Best Treatment for Dry Skin
Toda Raba, I love it very much. Half I use in the kitchen and half I use in the bathroom for my skin. I truly believe that olive oil is the best treatment for dry skin. It does wonders for Read more…
Toda Raba, I love it very much. Half I use in the kitchen and half I use in the bathroom for my skin. I truly believe that olive oil is the best treatment for dry skin. It does wonders for Read more…
I once heard that practically every Mediterranean country has a liquor made with fennel or anise. The Greeks have Ouzo, Italians Sambuca and in Israel we drink Arak. The liquor is quite smooth and has a distinctive licorice flavor. Besides Read more…
Just over 3,300 years ago the Jewish people were getting ready for the day that would shake the world. And the Lord said to Moses, Go to the people, and sanctify them today and tomorrow, and let them wash their Read more…
With the shocking tragedy of the Deadly Biker Brawl in Waco Texas still fresh in our minds, I was in Tiberias tonight shopping. At the stoplight in front of me was this local biker. The sign on his bike says, Read more…
Here’s a great salad to serve with your hummus or garlic dip as an apetizer at your Shabbat meals! Ingredients: 2 pints of mushrooms cleaned and cut in half ¼ cup Galilee Green Olive Oil ¼ cup Balsamic Vinegar ½ Read more…
Hi! I picked up my Galilee Green Olive Oil! Just LOVE this. I drizzle over just about everything [except my coffee] lol Anne Cavanaugh Marciano
I await every delivery of my Galilee Green oil with expectation! My little piece of Israel. An edible postcard from ” home” Kelli Shrubsall, FL
Where did Jennifer find this unique treasure? All of our subscribers received a gift of a complete miniature book of Hebrew Psalms with their pre-Shavuot shipment of their Galilee Green Olive Oil. between April and June 2015 We didn’t let Read more…
Since I moved to the Galilee I am blessed to live in the most fertile part of the Land of Israel. Now we have citrus trees and all kinds of wonderful herbs growing in our garden. There is an amazing Read more…
Although I lost many, many family members from both sides of my family, my father Jacob Veffer survived the Holocaust by hiding in Holland with his parents and five siblings for three years. After the war he moved to Canada Read more…