We are not in control of results in this world. Only God is. We can only control how much effort we choose to put into a task to help achieve our goals. In the Mishna, Ben Heh Heh teaches us, “According to the Effort is the Reward.” That means, when Read more…
We saw some oranges from the supermarket today and I got excited! Really? A couple of oranges?!! What’s so exciting? Well it’s the month of Kislev (December) here in the Galilee and Hanukkah is approaching. So even though the weather is stunningly warm and sunny, and the Kalla lilies are Read more…
Why is there a custom to leave a small stone at the grave of a loved one when visiting a Jewish cemetery? Throughout the centuries the tradition of leaving a pebble or small stone on the monument or the grave has become part of the act of remembrance. In ancient times Read more…