Be Strong and Resolute… and?
Will Netanyahu’s speech to congress have an effect on the Israeli elections? (more…)
Will Netanyahu’s speech to congress have an effect on the Israeli elections? (more…)
Bibi, Barack and Moshe – How to choose a leader We are in the middle of election season here in Israel and the frenzy of primary voting among the competing parties. Ironically, the reason for the election is the controversy of Bibi Netanyahu wanting to embed in Israeli law that Read more…
First Came the Snow – Then the Rainbow This week began with the prediction of a rare winter snowstorm in Israel. The mayor of Jerusalem called for the shutting down of roads leading into the capital to prevent cars from being stranded. Schools and kindergartens were closed. Which made the Read more…
10th of Tevet fell on January 1 – What does it mean? While the whole world celebrated on December 31 and January 1, observant Jews around the world and here in Israel fasted! There are actually four New Years in the Hebrew Calendar (subject for an article on its own). Read more…
Jews must abandon their Jewish identity to become Swedes The holidays are over but we want to focus your attention on an event that caused a minor storm during Chanukah, but was probably glossed over by most people because we were all so busy preparing and celebrating. Deputy-Speaker of the Read more…
Most people know we are in the middle of the eight-day festival of Chanukah, but tonight is also the beginning of the new month of Tevet. The hebrew calendar is unique in that we have a solar year (365 days), but a lunar month (approximately 29.5 days from new moon Read more…
As we mentioned earlier, Yavne’el is one of the biblical border towns of the tribe of Naftali mentioned in the Book of Joshua (Josh 19:32). On his deathbed, the Patriarch Jacob blessed his son Naftali to be an ‘אילה שלוחה’ – ‘a deer let loose’ (Gen 49:21). Our sages explain that Read more…