About five years ago we went to visit a friend’s farm in Migdal at the north end of the sea of Galilee.
The Sea of Galilee and Arbel (Right) as scene from Migdal today
Migdal looks over the Ginnosar Valley which since Biblical and Talmudic times is known as the most fertile part of the land of Israel producing fruits that were almost too sweet to eat!
In modern times at the turn of the twentieth century it was re-established by the Zionist settlers as an agricultural village.
Here’s a rare video from 1913 of the famed soldier Joseph Trumpeldor plowing a field at Migdal.
On the day we visited, there were fabulous orchards of mangoes, grapefruits and olives. Little did we realize then, that five years later people all over the world would be enjoying our Galilee Green Olive Oil.