For those of you who receive regular shipments, you already know we like to change your gift every three months.
This time we’ve included an Israeli Flag Fridge Magnet!
We love using ours to hang up our grandchildren’s artwork – double the love.
New Boxes and Gift Wrap!
Many of you have told us that you love giving tins of Galilee Green as gifts to friends and family.
So we are now pre-gift wrapping one of your tins in your multi-tin shipments. Thank you for sharing the blessings!
And based on your feedback, all our boxes have now been redesigned to better protect your tins from being dented by the post office! The new four-tin box is on the right… sturdier and more compact.
Thank you all for your love and support for Israel AND Galilee Green! Please let us know what we can do to improve!