Compound in Olive Oil Halts Brain Tumor Formation

Our Galilee Green customer, Dr. Gail Bayliss and Emergency Medicine Physician at Drexel University College of Medicine in Medford, Oregan sent us the following email with a link to an article from Medical News Today.

Thought you might be interested in this article.  Another reason to love Galilee Green!!”

— Gail Bayliss MD

The article quoted a study carried out by Dr. Gracjan Michlewsky at the University of Edinburgh that was recently published in the Journal of Molecular Biology

The researchers found that oleic acid (a monounsaturated fatty acid found in extra virgin olive oil) stops cancer-causing protein activity in brain cells.

How Oleic Acid halts brain tumor formation

Oleic acid inhibits brain tumors

Oleic Acid encourages miR-7 production which halts brain tumor formation

Previous research has shown that oleic acid can inhibit the disease-causing activity of specific proteins.

With this in mind, Dr. Michlewski and team determined how the olive oil compound affects the activity of protein miR-7, which is  involved in the suppression of brain tumor formation.

More studies are needed to determine whether olive oil consumption can help prevent brain cancer, but their current results are promising.

“While we cannot yet say that olive oil in the diet helps prevent brain cancer, our findings do suggest that oleic acid can support the production of tumor-suppressing molecules in cells grown in the lab. Further studies could help determine the role that olive oil might have in brain health.”

Dr. Gracjan Michlewski


Stay healthier with Olive Oil from Israel

Categories: Wellness


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