Gan HaShlosha – Sakhne – National Park in Israel
The park is located between Kibbutz Beit Alfa and Nir David at the foot of Mount Gilboa. The spring water that feeds the pools maintains a constant temperature of 28 degrees Celcius (82 degrees Fahrenheit). Perfect for swimming all year round. If fact, the Arabic name “Sakhne” literally means “hot pools!”
Contrary to what you might imagine, you’ll find both Arab and Jewish families peacefully enjoying the park together (like you do at most places in the Galilee).
-“An old water-powered mill operates at the site and an adjacent madafeh, or Arab hospitality room, has been restored. A 1:1 reconstruction of Tel Amal, one of the first “Tower and Stockade” settlements set up by Jewish pioneers during the 1936-39 Arab Revolt – in this case on 10 December 1936 – is located in the park.
The Museum of Regional and Mediterranean Archaeology is located on the grounds of the park. It houses a display of rare Greek tools, artifacts from excavations in the Beit She’an Valley.” – read more