I’ve been making this recipe for many years and it has always been a crowd pleaser.

So when Galilee Green hosted some special guests this week for lunch we decided to serve it. Donna Holbrook and her ICEJ Canada TV production team came to Yavne’el under the auspices of the Israel Ministry of Tourism to interview us about Galilee Green and what it’s like for former Canadians to live here in the Galilee.

I made two “small” changes that enhanced the flavor of this already yummy cake ten fold! I used a freshly picked sweet orange grown right here in the Galilee and Galilee Green Olive Oil.

The cake was so rich and light at the same time, that our guests were sure I’d used butter.

The Ministry of Tourism guide requested the recipe while we were sitting at the table. Due to modern technology, he had it in his smartphone before he finished his second piece!

Who knew that Galilee Green olive oil could make a delicious difference in baking?


  • Abrahams Table​1​ cup​ whole wheat​ flour
  • 1 cup white flour​
  • 2 cups sug​ar
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 2 tsp baking soda
  • 2 tsp cinnamon
  • 2 tsp nutmeg
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 4 eggs
  • 1/4 cup​ Galilee Green Olive Oil
  • 2 cups grated carrots
  • 1/​4 cup ground walnuts
  • ​1/4 cup ground hazelnuts​
  • 1 whole orange


  • Combine dry ingredients in a bowl.
  • Mix eggs, oil, carrots and nuts in a separate bowl.
  • Cut orange in quarters, take out pits and put the whole orange into the food processor.
  • Pulse until liquefied.
  • Add to oil/carrot mixture.
  • Then add wet ingredients to dry.
  • Mix well.
  • Pour into bunt pan ​and ​bake for 45 minutes at ​preheated ​​350 degree​ oven.​

​Note: You can use any one kind or combination of nuts. Any one kind or combination of flour. ​


Orange Carrot CakeYou’ll need some Galilee Green Olive Oil to duplicate these results. Most olive oils will be too harsh for a cake recipe.

Get your Galilee Green Olive Oil now!

Categories: Recipes


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