If you could ask Avraham anything at all, what would you ask?

Early Life

  • In his father Terach’s house
  • Nimrod – Ur Kasdim
  • Noah – Shem – Ever
  • Malchitzedek
  • Tower of Bavel

Audience Questions

  1. What was Abram and father Terah’s original “faith?” – Jeff Brown
  2. What did he feel gazing at the stars? – Christy Jordan – Lara Sanders – Michael Yuffa
  3. Was it by looking at creation that you knew God existed? – Beth Obrien
  4. At what age did you feel the tugging of our Father?  – Judy Tarrant
  5. Was Nimrod bad, or extremely baaaaad? – Is he a forerunner of Gog? Esav? Amalek? – Joel Blackford
  6. Why didn’t Abram kill Nimrod? – Joel Blackford
  7. Why are the Jews commanded to destroy Amalek – Who and what is he? – Joel Blackford – Dianne Buckman
  8. Who really smashed the stone idols? – Steve Aucella
  9. Did you break the idols just to make a point to your father? – Sam Beckham
  10. What stories did Noah and Shem teach you? – Vicki Clifford – Rose Lucht
  11. Who was Malchitzedek? – Joanna Fruhauf – Joyce Owens – Anne Elizabeth

Lech Lecha – Leaving everything behind

Audience Questions

  1. What made you have the faith to trust a foreign Power and leave evertyhing behind? – Jordan Bowers
  2. How did Abram know who was talking to him? To him God was foreign – Jordan Bowers – Jeff Brown
  3. Was leaving everything behind an act of “faith?” – Jeanne Haase
  4. Did you hear God call you? or were you just fed up with hypocracy? – Jules Lemelle
  5. Were you ever really scared of what lay ahead? – Carole Coats
  6. Did you feel safe in the tent? – Sarah Tollerson
  7. How did you maintain your faith in the face of fear and doubt? – Mindy Curtis
  8. How did God lead you on your journey to each destination? – Deb Jabs

Battle of the Five Kings vs Four Kings

Audience Questions

  1. What were the circumstances of the battles? What’s the whole story? – Joel Blackford – Laurie Rolfe
  2. How did you feel about your relationship with Lot? Was it hard to give him the choice of the Land? – Sherry Dunn

Covenants – Circumcision and Covenant of the Parts

Audience Questions

  1. Were you in a deep sleep and see it in a dream or awake an unable to move when God cut His covenant with you? – Ellen Lopez
  2. How old were you and Sarah REALLY when Isaac was born? – Harriet Stein
  3. What were the names of the three strangers who told you Sarah would give birth? – Jeffrey Brock

Hagar and Ishmael

Audience Questions

  1. Why did you not hang onto Hagar and Ishmael? – Gwynne WicksWhy oh why did you think you could solve God’s problem by hooking up with Hagar – Page Hatcher
  2. Why were you not fair to all your kids? – Paula Guy
  3. Since you spoke with God on several occasions and knew Him and trusted Him, why didn’t you say “no” to Sarah’s hair-brained idea about having a baby with Hagar? – Dawn Catrini
  4. Why didn’t you ask God if Sarah’s idea was a good one before marrying Hagar? – Alice Gross
  5. Why couldn’t you and Sarah have waited? If you had, there might be peace in the middle east – Blythe Kearney
  6. Was there no way you could teach Ishmael to “keep the way of the Lord by doing righteousness and justice?” – June White

Akeida – Binding of Isaac

Audience Questions

  1. When you laid your son Isaac down, were you afraid? Was Isaac afraid? Did you have any doubts? Were you ever the same again? – Nancy Hesson – Susan Case – Tammy Bell
  2. What is your, Abraham’s version of the story of the binding of Isaac? – Bonnie Dillashaw – Andrea Anderson
  3. Did you actually kill Isaac? Do you remember doing it? – Andrew Shiff
  4. What were your thoughts while ascending Mount Moriah with Isaac? – Hanneli Strauss

General Questions

Audience Questions

  1. At what point in his life did Abraham become “the first Jew?” What was the determining factor or event? – Jeff Brown
  2. Who were the men who appeared to Abraham “near the ‘terebinths’ of Mamre?” – Jeff Brown
  3. How do Jews today know for sure they are descendants of Abraham and what their tribe of origin was among Jacob/Israel’s sons? – Jeff Brown
  4. Share your wisdom and experience about waiting so late in life to see the promise of God fulfilled. In other words, I would want to hear about your personal journey with belief and waiting on God. – Laurie Rolfe
  5. What was the one thought or experience that bound your heart to The Lord? – Jordan Hutchins
  6. Is there such a big difference between organized religion and the idols your father worshiped? -Boaz Davidoff
  7. How does it feel to have fathered a Nation? – Ros Selan
  8. What drove you to be so obedient and have such reverence for every word that proceeded from the mouth of God – Kimberly Giovanelli – Patricia Davis
  9. What was it like to cook a meal and then fellowship with God, walking along side him? – Keith Roepcke
  10. Did you ever work? – Billie Guillot
  11. What will it take to end the suffering and foolishness or your descendants and bring Mashiach? – Chaiya Monas
  12. What was your most challenging test and why? – Mary Busby
  13. What was your biggest mistake and what did you learn from it? Would you change it, or do it again? – Paula Kantorowicz
  14. Did you ever have doubts about your worthiness to be a friend of God and fear he was displeased with you? – Dawn Jacobson
  15. Did you often kneel  and thank God that he chose you? – Gennel Zimmerman


  1. What did it feel like to experience God the way you did? – Marda Pienaar – Troy Ruppert – Felicia Jacobson
  2. How do you know what happened in the beginning since you weren’t there? Did God tell you that as well as the commandments? – Patricia Betts.
  3. What was God like? – Troy Ruppert
  4. What was it like to have God speak to you the first time? – Vicki Stoughton
  5. How did you know your were talking to God? – Andrea Chester
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