I’ve been eating a low carb – high fat lifestyle for quite a while and have been reaping the health benefits and the weight loss that goes along with it.

Classic Chanukah recipes like Potato Latkes and Donuts are loaded with exactly what we’ve been trying to avoid. So we turned to our dear friend Chava Dumas for some of her Chanukah recipes.

For extra energy and a positive attitude to enhance every day of the year, read Chava’s book: Prepare for
Pesach B’simchah! 40 Lifesaving Lessons to Help You Reach the Finish Line!

Chava is a doula, writer, editor and an educator who is happily busy with births, writing, teaching, giving workshops, and enjoying her family.

Healthier Chanukah Latkes Recipes

Chava Dumas BookInstead of potatoe latkes, try a whole new variety of latkes from Sephardic and Yemenite traditions made from leeks and carrots, zucchini, sweet potatoes and apples which offer many more vitamins and antioxidants than humble potatoes!

Save yourself from standing over a very hot stove top, and avoid fryingby baking latkes in the oven. Coat a bit of Galilee Green olive oil on a baking tray. Bake for 20 minutes at 350 degrees F.
All of the latkes below can also be baked in the oven.

Serve with applesauce, sour cream or any other favorite topping

Zucchini Latkes

• Grate 5 to 6 large zucchini’s
• 1 onion
• 4 eggs
• ½ cup whole wheat flour
• Salt and pepper to taste
Mix all ingredients, shape into patties and fry in a small amount of oil or bake in the oven.

Apple Latkes

• 4 apples
• 1 tsp. cinnamon
• 1 cup flour
• Dash of salt
• 3 eggs
• 2 Tb brown sugar (optional)
Grate apples and mix with the rest of the ingredients. Fry for a very short time and drain on paper towels. Or bake in the oven!

Sephardic Leek Latkes! (Aka Keftes de Prasas)

• 1 kilo of leeks, cleaned and simmered until soft
• 1 or 2 eggs
• 1 tsp sea salt
• 1/4 cup whole wheat breadcrumbs
Drain the cooked leeks and blend them in a food processor. Then mix with the other ingredients.
Form small, flat patties and drop into a ½ of oil over medium heat. Fry until crispy and slightly brown on each side.*
Drain on paper towels and serve warm.
*or bake in the oven

Sweet Potato Latkes

• 6 sweet potatoes, grated
• 1 large purple onion (or white)
• 4 eggs
• ½ cup of whole wheat flour or matzoh meal
Mix all ingredients, shape into patties, fry or bake!

Carrot Scallion Latkes These are really pretty!

• 8 large carrots, grated
• 6 to 7 scallions, sliced fine
• 4 large eggs
• ½ tsp. sea salt
• A bit of flour can be added if the ingredients aren’t sticking together enough.
Mix the ingredients together and fry in a small amount of oil, or bake in the oven.

Latkes are yummier with Galilee Green Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Israel

Categories: Recipes

1 Comment

Carol Fair · December 8, 2022 at 2:44 pm

These recipes look so good! I’m going to have fun making them for the first time.

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