R. Shmuel Veffer, Founder
Our mission at Galilee Green is to build a warm relationship between those who love and support Israel and the people who have returned to the Biblical Land of Israel.
Subscribe to receive our 100% Extra Virgin Olive Oil and our exclusive content about the Land of Israel, the Torah of Israel and the Bounty of Israel. Members of our Galilee Green Subscriber Family will be bringing the blessings of Israel into their homes around the world.
In this way, those who love, support Israel and pray for Israel will be able to put their prayers into action by supporting a unique small business in Israel. And help fulfill God’s promise to the Jewish People to bring His children back to the Land.
Our Biblical Connection
Galilee Green is based in the Tribal portion of Naphtali.
Jacob blessed his son Naphtali to be an ‘אילה שלוחה’ – ‘a deer let loose’ (Gen 49:21). Our sage, Rashi, explains that this means the land designated to the tribe of Naphtali, especially in the Ginnosar Valley, is a good land where the fruits are quick to ripen.
The Talmud recounts many stories about how luscious the fruits of the tribe of Naphtali were (Pesachim 8b). Yet the Land became barren, according to God’s promise, when the Jewish people went into exile, only to wait for the return of the Jews.
Modern Historical Connection
Baron and Baroness Rothschild in Yavne’el
After almost two thousand years of exile, there was an awakening among Eastern European Jews as they came back to farm the land in the “First Aliyah” between 1882 and 1903.
One of the earliest agricultural settlements was Yavne’el, founded in 1901 by religious families from Romania. Yavne’el is one of the biblical border towns of the tribe of Naphtali mentioned in the Book of Joshua (Josh 19:32).
Baron Edmond (Binyamin) Rothschild purchased the land in the Yavne’el Valley for farmland to support the struggling settlers. These pioneers, through their sweat, tears, love of the Land and Divine Providence helped in fulfilling the prophecy of the “Land bringing forth its fruits.”
Now You Can Support is by Connecting with Galilee Green
Today, the land of the Galilee is lush and fruitful. Those of us who are fortunate enough to live here can now share the blessings with our friends who love, appreciate and support what we are building here in our homeland.
Angela Backer · January 27, 2022 at 6:58 pm
Is your olive oil certified kosher and shmittah compiant?
Shmuel · February 10, 2022 at 1:19 am
yes. (BTW Shmittah doesn’t apply to olives until NEXT year) you can order here… https://galileegreen.com/subscribe
Harvey Schwartz MD · January 25, 2024 at 11:32 pm
What olives make up your oil and what is the polyphenol level?