As we prepare for Tisha B’av, thanks to World Mizrahi, here is our friend and favorite tourguide, Rabbi Ken Spiro sharing with us an up close look at the remains of the Temple that the Romans destroyed.
About Rabbi Ken Spiro
You’ll love Rabbi Ken Spiro’s quick-paced, humorous style.
He’ll keep your interest and explain deep concepts clearly.
Rabbi Spiro is a sought after Lecturer, Historian and Author. In addition, he is a licensed Israel tour guide.
His Masters degree in History is from The Vermont College of Norwich University and Rabbinic Ordination from Yeshiva Aish HaTorah in Jerusalem.
He has appeared on the BBC, National Geographic Channel, Discovery Channel and The History Channel.
His writings and seminars can be accessed on and
Born and raised in the U.S. Rabbi Spiro has lived in Israel since 1982.
He served in the IDF. A father of five, he currently lives in Jerusalem.
Mount Moriah
City of David
Temple Mount Herodian Period
Herodian Stone
Notice the recessed frame around the margin of the stone
Narrow Area in front of the Wall pre-1967
Early 1900s –
Mughrabi Quarter in Front of the Wall Before it was Razed
Mughrabi Quarter 1929 –
Aerial photo of Jerusalem’s Mughrabi quarter taken by the Graf Zeppelin, 1931. Yellow outline (added) shows the Western Wall prayer area. Note the labyrinth Jewish worshippers had to traverse to get to the small alleyway for prayer at the Western Wall. (Zeppelin Museum Friedrichshafen) –
Southern Wall
View of the Southern retaining wall of the Temple Mount. On the left is the Western Wall Plaza. On the Right, you can see the length of the Eastern Wall
1 Comment
Marlene janse van Rensburg · July 26, 2023 at 11:58 am
Thank you for all this insight i.nto Israel history. I thought i know a lot but release I dont. Was so blessed by it.