It has an engraving of an irregular-shaped ancient coin on it.
It’s widely known that they could only find enough pure sealed olive oil for one day, and miraculously it lasted for 8 days. What is less known is that the Temple Menora was nowhere to be found, so they had to construct a makeshift Menora out of metal stakes.
Why was it so important to light the Menora?
The physical light of the Menora represented the spiritual light of Torah that spreads forth from Zion to illuminate the spiritual darkness in the world. That is the mission of the Children of Israel, to fill the world with God’s Wisdom.
As time passed and the Hasmoneans consolidated power and wealth, eventually they were able to refurbish the Temple and construct a more appropriate Menora made out of gold.
The Hasmonean Dynasty lasted 103 years. Matityahu Antigonus was the last of the Hasmonean Kings and he put the Menora on his coins. During Antigonus’ three-year rule, Herod succeeded in having himself declared king of Judea by Rome. On Herod’s return to Judea from Rome in 39 BCE he opened a campaign against Antigonus and laid siege to Jerusalem. The Romans eventually captured the city and Antigonus was taken to Antioch and executed which ended Hasmonean rule.
That light has never really been extinguished as the Jewish people continued to protect and learn the Torah and pass down its wisdom from generation to generation throughout the 2000 years of exile.
In 1985 the State of Israel decided to “re-mint” the coin of the Hasmoneans by placing a replica of the ancient coin and the Menora on the modern 10 Agorot coin. It is still in circulation and is carried in every Israeli’s pocket or purse as a constant daily reminder of our mission, our history and our ultimate destiny as a people.
We are including three of these coins as a gift to our subscribers in July 2024 while supplies last!
dianeb13 · February 10, 2016 at 4:48 am
Thank you for the 3 coins I received in my shipment of GG Olive Oil today. It is so interesting to learn about the meaning of the replica of the ancient coins. I was excited I found 2 more in my loose change I brought back from my trip to Israel. I will also carry one in my wallet from now on for the symbolism it represents. Toda Rabah. Am Yisrael Chai.
Diane Bushwick, CT USA
Nili N Arnie Abrahams · February 10, 2016 at 11:54 am
You are most welcome. We are so glad you like them. I love your thought of carrying a coin with you…a piece of Israel. Shalom and Love, Nili
Jack Martin Whittenberger · June 23, 2023 at 1:04 am
As a coin dealer in the USA, I found the coins you sent to me were fantastic. The history behind them was most interesting and they make a great addition to my own coin collection.
Marcia Rayl · July 22, 2024 at 11:33 pm
This was so precious to receive these coins. As if the oil isn’t great already but thank you so much. Very much appreciated. God’s blessings to you.
Patricia Rose · July 30, 2024 at 2:08 am
Received the wonderful olive oil and the precious coins today! Thank you so much! I will always carry one with me and treasure these gifts from Israel!. May you always have the blessing of the Lord God.
I love the Words of Wisdom and beautiful pictures and wonderful recipes too. My wish is to someday visit Israel.
Donna Covington · August 11, 2024 at 5:43 pm
I will treasure these coins! I am 58 and have never been to Israel but it is in the top of my bucket list! Thank you for a beautiful oil that has come to mean so much more than just an edible product. I enjoy the oil but also the vibrant link you provide to the holy land. Blessings always!
Susan Deschaine · September 8, 2024 at 8:24 pm
Thank you so much for the 3 Agorot coins! I loved so much reading the history above and, of course, I love my GGOO!! Bless you and yours, rabbi, for your hard work and faithfulness. Blessings and protection over your family and staff as well all our Jewish brothers and sisters. I pray daily, sometimes hourly, for Israel.
Margaret Hofknecht · November 4, 2024 at 1:55 am
Thank you for the coins. We gave them as gifts to our friends along with a tin of olive oil. My pastor’s wife was thrilled to get both. I kept a coin for myself to keep in my pants pocket.
Marina Rudwilleit · January 19, 2025 at 11:01 am
Thank you so much for the precious coins I received with my Oil.The Story behind them is very interesting.Til today I didn’t visit Israel and I am so excited to now have directly from Israel the coins and two days ago I got with my oil the pebbles from the Galilee sea shore.Glory to God! Blessings from germany Marina
Shmuel · February 1, 2025 at 7:38 pm
Thank you so much for your kind words Marina, enjoy!