All olives start out green. As they mature during the growing season they turn purple. Finally they become almost black when they are fully ripe.
The unripe green olives have a sharper taste and the fully ripe black olives are more mellow and have more oil.
Depending on when the olives are picked, the oil will be “sharper” or “mellower” as well.
Most of our olives picked for our oil are harvested when they are in the “in between” stage. Here you can see the green, purple and “black” colors all in this same batch.
Which do you prefer? Green olives or Black olives? Tell us in the comments below.
Connee Roosa Feezell · September 17, 2016 at 6:57 pm
both green and black
Nili N Arnie Abrahams · September 19, 2016 at 3:19 pm
Black Olives are just Green Olives that stay on the trees longer. 🙂