Here’s what I found:
- leftover broccoli from our shabbat sidedish
- chopped garlic (I keep it chopped in GGOO in a glass container for salad dressings and frying.)
- half a can of mushrooms (from my yummy stuffed chicken breast recipe)
- 4 eggs
The amounts are not exact. I guess it depends how hungry you are!
But here’s what I did:
Simple when it’s all in one pan!
- Added 2 tablespoons of GGOO to a heated frying pan.
- Put in 1 teaspoon of the chopped garlic, drained the mushrooms and added those and cooked it on a medium heat until the mushrooms started to lose a little of their moisture (about 4 minutes)
- Then I added about a cup of the broccoli and cooked it a little longer.
- When the broccoli was heated through, I gently broke four eggs right over the mixture, lowered the heat, then covered the pan for about 4 minutes until the eggs were set.
- The broccoli was very well seasoned so I didn’t add salt and pepper, but of course you can add to taste.
When you use a really delicious Olive Oil like Galilee Green, the flavor of everything you make is enhanced.
Try this quick and easy breakfast and let me know what vegetable combinations you used!