The Republicans and Democrats are divided about attending Netanyahu’s speech to congress. Is there a biblical precedent for this?
Prime Minister Netanyahu’s invitation to speak at the joint session of congress continues to spark controversy in America and in Israel. The Iranian regime, who have declared their intent of destroying Israel are relentless in their pursuit of developing a nuclear weapon.
The current Israeli elections are also dividing the nation with almost equal voice on the left and the right. The appeasers who feel Islamic terrorists can be reformed and those who feel their ideology will not allow them to reform so we must fight them.
Yaakov’s encounter with his brother and mortal enemy Esav teaches us a lesson. At first Yaakov sends his brother gifts to try to appease him. But Yaakov also divides his own camp and gets ready for war. Then Yaakov prays for God’s help. If we see the “gifts” don’t work and our enemies are unrepentant, we must be prepared to fight.
One of the reasons Netanyahu wants to speak to Congress is to explain that our enemies are unrepentant. We’ve learned that from the Oslo peace process with the PLO. He feels it’s time to stop appeasing the Iranian Islamic terror regime and start fighting it.