Why were these soldiers in Jerusalem for Pesach almost 100 years ago?
Meanwhile Jewish volunteers from all over the world had formed a Jewish Legion to fight with the British Army. The Jewish Legion consisted of volunteers from Canada, the USA, Europe and “Palestine.” They heeded the rallying cries of Jewish Zionist leaders like Zeev Jabotinsky and Yosef Trumpeldor and joined the British forces to help liberate “Palestine.”
The Jewish Legion were stationed in Cairo and were brought into “Palestine” in June 1918 to help General Allenby fight against the Turks in the Jordan Valley.
The picture above was taken at the Passover Seder in 1919 at the British Soldiers Home in Jerusalem. Note the soldier in the front has the words “Pesach Yerushalayim” embroidered on his Fez!
Thanks to israeldailypicture.com for source material.