We’ve already mentioned that the fruits in the Biblical Tribal region of Naftali ripen early. But this is incredible. Usually they are ready around Rosh HaShana which this year is September 21. The luscious fruits above were picked in July!

pomogranate star

The tree in front of our house in Yavne’el produces pomegranates with white seeds… they are sweet and have a vanilla flavor.

A few months ago the sprouts came out looking like red stars of David.

The word for pomegranate in Hebrew is “Rimon” רימון

When I was in basic training in the IDF, they taught us how to use “hand grenades.” At first I thought it was curious that they called it a “Rimon Yad” (Hand Pomegranate). I figured it was because the hundreds of seeds inside were like the fragments that the grenade breaks into.

Then I began thinking about why was it called a “Hand Grenade” in English. After thinking about where the word might come from, I thought of Grenadine syrup that’s used to make cocktails. Did you know grenadine syrup is made from Pomegranate juice and sugar? As a matter of fact, “grenade” is the French word for “pomegranate!”


1 Comment

SUSANA Isaacson · June 12, 2023 at 7:12 pm

Pomegranates are my very favorite food in the whole wide world!

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