As Prime Minister Netanyahu said, yesterday was an “historic day” as President Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and put things in motion to move the US Embassy in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
At Galilee Green we see ourselves as your family in Israel. And so do you! So we weren’t surprised to receive a number of messages yesterday like this one from Mack in Garden Grove, California :
Boker Tov. Good morning.
I am REALLY interested in your opinion about the US Embassy being moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Just writing the word Jerusalem brings back some wonderful memories. Ah, Yerushalayim – City of Gold. The very City the Bible talks so very much about.
You are my ears in the Land. So, please, your thoughts.
Todah Rabbah Thank you.
Shalom, Mack
So here’s how I’m feeling…
As an Orthodox Jew living in Israel, every day I feel the miracle of being part of a prophecy and promise fulfilled. The Almighty has brought us back from the four corners of the world and re-established us as a Nation in the Holy promised Land. The Land has brought forth its fruits (which you are blessed to partake in the form of our delicious olive oil)… and the cities of the Land… including our eternal capital Jerusalem have been rebuilt.
To experience so many of these ancient prophecies and Divine Promises being fulfilled is overwhelming. They give us the strength and confidence to know that the remaining promises… the imminent arrival of Mashiach, the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem and the defeat of the eternal enemies of the Nation of Israel will come soon in our days.
There is no “two state solution” in the Bible
There is no “two state solution” mentioned in the Torah or the Books of the Prophets. In fact the exact opposite is true. We are promised that the divided Kingdom (two States) of Judea in the south and Israel in the north will be no more. There will be one united kingdom under the rule of one anointed King from the tribe of Judah who will rule the entire Nation of Israel from the capital city of Jerusalem.
For two thousand years, the eternal enemies of the Nation of Israel, (the descendants of Esau – and Yishmael) have been trying to stop the Jewish people from fulfilling these prophecies. There has been an irrational hatred trying to separate us from our Land, Holy City of Jerusalem and in particular the Temple Mount.
But first the enemies of Israel will fight a war to try and stop that from happening. We have a promise that those enemies will be defeated.
An Historic Day for America
Yesterday was more of a celebration and historic day for the USA than for Israel. We are entering times when the nations of the world need to choose sides. Are you on the side of God’s plan for the world, or are you going to try and fight against God’s plan.
It seems for now that just Israel and the USA are working towards God’s plan… the rest of the world are on the side of Esau and Yishmael.
Mazel Tov President Trump and the USA for choosing to be on the right side of history.