To get there you need to drive through the hills outside Jerusalem on winding roads with spectacular vistas. Before we share with you a few highlights from the wedding, here’s a clip of America Independence Park which is located in the area.
Israel dedicated this wonderful section of the Judaean Hills in honor of America’s Bicentenial celebration in 1976. It’s full of stunning hiking paths and views.
The prophet Jeremiah comforted us by letting us know that after the exile of destruction of the Temple and exile of the Nation of Israel from the Land that ultimately we would return and once again in the rebuilt towns of Judaea and Jerusalem will be heard the sounds of joy and gladness; the voices of the bride and groom will be heard saying, Give thanks to the Lord of Hosts, for God is good, His kindness is everlasting! (Jer 33:11)
Many wedding ceremonies are solemn affairs with slow processions… this groom was led to the Chuppah (wedding canopy) surrounded by his singing and dancing friends.. and then the new couple were led away themselves singing and dancing along with their friends and family… truly a fulfillment of Jeremiah’s prophecy.
1 Comment
Richard Gieson · July 6, 2023 at 2:43 pm
Thank you for the beautiful pictures of Israel. God’s chosen land and people.