Notes and sources below the video!!!

This is a special interview zoom session with my friend, teacher and Rabbi.. Ari Kahn.

We will be discussing Rabbi Kahn’s new book “The Crowns on the Letters” which focuses on the lives of the early Sages of the 3333 year old chain of Torah transmission, and the lessons we learn from their lives.

In this session we will get to know Rabbi Kahn’s story about how he came to dedicate his life to teaching Torah and choosing to make Aliyah to Israel.

We will focus on the classic debates between Hillel and Shammai and how we know whom to trust based on one of the chapters of this unique book.

L-R: R. Kahn, R. Ken Spiro, R. Shmuel Veffer celebrating Purim

About Rabbi Ari Kahn

Ari D. Kahn is a rabbi, author and educator living in Givat Ze’ev, Israel.

L: Young Rabbi Kahn , M: Young Rabbi Veffer
Learning in Jerusalem with Alan Dershowitz in the Foreground

He received his rabbinic ordination from Yeshiva University’s Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary where he studied with Rabbi Yosef D. Soloveitchik and Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein.

He graduated Yeshiva University with a BA in Psychology and an MS in Talmud.

Rabbi Kahn is Director of the Overseas Student Program at Bar-Ilan University, where he is a senior lecturer in Jewish studies. He also serves as rabbi of the Mishkan Etrog community in Givat Ze’ev.

Rabbi Kahn has authored more than ten books on Jewish thought, including the highly acclaimed Echoes of Eden series, and has published hundreds of articles on Torah and Jewish thought.

Some of his writings, audio and video can be accessed on .


Short Biography of Rabbi Kahn’s Teacher, Rav J.B. Soloveitchick

Rabbi J.B. Soloveitchick teaching a class at Yeshiva University where Rabbi Kahn studied with him (years after this photo)

Short Biography of Rabbi Moshe Feinstein

Rabbi Moshe Feinstein – 20th Century Leading Sage in Torah Law.

Recommended Books by Rabbi Soloveitchick

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