Our first session was fun and we covered a lot of topics. If you couldn’t attend, or you only saw the first half… here is a complete replay for you.

What is holy about the Holy Land? (50 minutes)

As subscribers to ongoing shipments, you have full access to all our Galilee Green Zoom Study Sessions – including those I give to other organizations.

In this session I hosted for Bridges for Peace arranged by GG Subscriber Lindsay Ingalls, you’ll learn the following:

Included in this video:

  • Shmuel’s Aliyah Story
  • Learn why Hebrew, the Holy Language is unique
  • What does the word Holy (Kadosh) really mean?
  • What is the common link between the Holy Land, Holy Nation, Holy Torah, Holy Sabbath and Holy Matrimony… and more!

Please do not share these videos and links… they are exclusively for our Galilee Green Ongoing Shipment Subscribers

As a subscriber to ongoing shipments, you have automatic exclusive access to all future LIVE ZOOM sessions (including replays if you can’t attend a particular session)

Categories: Recipes