Then from out of “nowhere” this week we received a coordinated attack by members of the BDS movement who placed dozens of 1 Star reviews with nasty comments like this one trying to destroy our business:
Some of the reviews included outright threats!
Many contained references to the Balfour Declaration, and therefore we assumed that the BDS movement picked the 100th anniversary to attack sites like ours.
How it affects us:
The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob brought us back from the four corners of the earth and blessed us to see the Land bring forth its fruits, and allowed us to build Galilee Green to share the blessings of our olive oil with you. He will continue to supernaturally bless us and protect us from our enemies.
But we still must make our hishtadlut (effort) in the natural world to do our part.
In this case, our enemies took us from a 5 Star rating to a 3 Star rating. That means that Facebook now “thinks” that our product and company are not really great, and therefore the “algorithm” will assume people don’t really want to see so many posts from a 3 star company. Less people will now see our beautiful pictures of Israel, recipes and posts!
What you can do:
Facebook will not allow us to delete reviews. But there are two ways to respond…
- Click on the three dots “…” at the top right of the offensive review and “Report” it to Facebook. If they get enough complaints, they will potentially remove it and ban the user.
- If you haven’t already, make your own review of our company, and add your own positive comments like this one by Christy Porter Heal
If we get a few hundred positive reviews from you, then it will drown out the negative reviews and bring our average rating back up to where it was.
Sherman Harrington · July 22, 2021 at 4:15 pm
The Almighty is on your side. Be patient as the messiah comes at Rosh Hashana of 2022, just 431 days away!
Al Gross · July 22, 2021 at 5:17 pm
I left Facebook over “fact checking” and Facebook jail. As a result I can’t counter the nonsense by the haters and those ignorant of history. I buy Galilee Green for my daughter since my wife and I travel for a living. I will ask her to post a 5 star review.
samuel messinger · July 22, 2021 at 7:21 pm
Excellent product excellent people Holy Oil