The “content” is the recipe you use for the dough and how you bake it. For one of my favorite recipes for an easy and quick-to-prepare, healthy and delicious Challah, click here.
The “form” is how you present the dough. In the recipe above, I use the dough to make small round Challah Buns. They are delicious, but when you present the dough in the form of a braided loaf, it just looks more, and tastes more like “Shabbat!”
It’s pretty simple to make a three-braided Challah. But this six-braided loaf will bring out the “ooohs” and “aaahhs” and “how did you make that?!”
Watch the video carefully … good luck!
1 Comment
Dr. Anita Rosenfield · March 4, 2024 at 2:33 am
Could you please share a chart of 1 crosses to 6 and 6 crosses to 1, etc.?