For those who feel like arguing with God, Israel won this territory in a defensive war against Syria and therefore according to the laws of war, it is ours.
We thought it would be appropriate to remind ourselves of the miracle that brought this ancient part of the Land of Israel under our control in 1967.
The fiercest and decisive battle in the Six Day War to take the Golan Heights was at Tel Faher. It was a Syrian Army stronghold. A network of bunkers were built into the side of the mountain making it almost impossible to breach.
The Barak Division of the Golani Brigade attacked the site and lost over 30 soldiers in the fierce battle and eventually overran the Syrians who fled. This stopped the constant shelling and firing upon the Jewish farmers in the Hula Valley in the Northern Galilee.
Today Tel Faher is called Golani Lookout and is situated on the road leading from Mount Herman to the Banias springs. It’s a highly recommended stop to appreciate the view and what those brave soldiers did for us during the Six Day War.
The kids can explore the bunkers and you can have a picnic lunch looking at the view of the Hula Valley.
It’s only about an hour and twenty minutes away from Galilee Green headquarters in Yavne’el in the lower Galilee.
Jonalan · December 8, 2016 at 10:04 pm
There is a description of this battle in the biography of General Moshe Dayan
Galilee Green · December 12, 2016 at 3:22 pm
Thanks for the info!
Fairness_in_Education · December 9, 2016 at 1:03 am
No more “land for peace deals”…they fail consistently…..the Islamic-ally indoctrinated disregard deals with “kafirs” whenever it pleases their false deity. It is time Israel stood up to a lying bully.
Carlito Briganti · January 4, 2017 at 4:42 am
Jajaja. Judenrat opinions don’t count. United Nations resolutions are the law of the land.