We are always looking out for a delicious and refreshing dessert that doesn’t have a lot of sugar.

Lately we’ve been making our own fresh goats’ milk yoghurt because we are lactose intolerant.

Also, we don’t have an ice cream maker.

If you don’t want to make your own yoghurt, try to find one that has whole milk and no sugar or flavors added (might be tough to find in your area)

GGOO makes the mixture ‘creamier!’

By making our own with whole goats’ milk (sometimes direct from our friend’s goats) you are sure to get the fat and no sugar added.

The downside without an ice-cream maker is you have to stir the mixture every 20-30 minutes to keep ice crystals from forming.

We kind of like the ice crystals which makes if more like “iced-yoghurt” than “creamy frozen yogurt.”

This recipe is also very flexible in the ingredients you add to the yoghurt mixture, so have fun.


  • 3 cups of whole plain yoghurt
  • 1 very ripe banana sliced
  • 1/4 cup raisins
  • 1 tablespoon of date honey (silan)
  • 2 tablespoons Galilee Green Olive Oil


  1. Combine the yoghurt, sliced banana, silan and GGOO in a food processer bowl
  2. Process the mixture until light and fluffy (you can whisk by hand but it will take a few more minutes)
  3. Stir the raisins into the fluffy mixture
  4. Pour into 4 ounce paper cups and place in freezer
  5. Stir the cups every 30 minutes until fully frozen
  6. Take them out about 30 minutes before you want to enjoy them!

Desserts tastes creamier with
Galilee Green Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Categories: Recipes

1 Comment

Linda Calderon · September 14, 2022 at 1:42 am

Sounds yum! I usually buy yogurt that is whole milk and its only sweetener is honey. Love it so will try freezing it with some fruit put in also – blueberries are good with it, nuts, or whatever.

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